Welcome to Chucksville

Paper Boy
An Original Film by Charles Reuben

       Thank you for visiting chucksville.com!

       As a way of showing my gratitude, I would like to share with you a 60-minute animated movie that I recently made: The movie is presented here as a YouTube video, located directly above the headline of this column.
       Paper Boy is the story of Ben Hedges, a 16-year-old who is being raised by a single Mom who tells him to find a job. What follows is a teenage boy's immersion into the newspaper profession, a calling that has faded in recent years, thanks to the Internet.

       I am deeply indebted to Richard McCord of Santa Fe for giving me permission to use his book, THE CHAIN GANG: ONE NEWSPAPER VERSUS THE GANNETT EMPIRE as inspiration for this film.
       I would also like to thank www.plotagon.com for their help in creating this film by letting me use the beta version of their software and also, the people at Adobe Corp. for their generous help in the post-production work.

      There are many other stories located on chucksville. You can read through them by clicking a button on the navigation bar located to the left of this column.
      In addition to being a place where I can practice my web-making skills and write travelogues, chucksville serves as an archive for the bluegrass music of Ramah, New Mexico, the spoken poetry of Joe Speer, and some of the classical music of Carl E. Baum.  The 1979 edition of the St. John's Poetry book Au Verso also appears here.

      I am honored to host original, local talent on chucksville! I would like to thank them, one and all, for giving me their permission to feature their outstanding talent here.

      If you or your organization would like to advertise on this site and also help to insure its continued survival and growth, then please drop me an e-mail at shawnee@unm.edu. I'd love to hear from you!

       Please don't forget: Sign the guestbook!

       And Happy New Year!
  Chuck Reuben

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