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The Final Edition
by Chuck Reuben
I discovered Kip Alman's silhouettes in a dumpster next to the old newspaper building, just before it was demolished.
These fifteen silhouettes, which contain the text of his 40,000-word novella The Printer's Devil, were stored as PostScript files on an old four-inch computer disc.
With Adobe's help, I converted these outdated files into sleek PDFs and had a local print shop reproduce them on black-and-white film at 1600 dots per inch.
I then hired Starline Printing to print out 5,000 copies of The Printer's Devil as a 16-page broadsheet on a newspaper press.
One of these newspapers reached Ripley’s Believe It or Not, who featured in their daily syndicated column.
Another copy found its way into David Sedaris' hands. He kindly took the time to send me a postcard that read, "Those papers you gave me are so strange and beautiful. What a great idea to shape the chapters into silhouettes."
A copy of The Printer's Devil eventually found its way into the hands of a Hollywood producer, who adapted it into a one-hour animated film that captured the essence of the original book. Entitled Paper Boy, the movie faded into obscurity after a critic labeled it "unwatchable:"
To celebrate the 50th anniversary of The Printer’s Devil, I’d like to give you a free digital copy of The Final Edition.
This version features perfect vector resolution, fast download speeds, and even a clever chatbot who will guide you through this coming-of-age story, written by a 17-year-old boy from Highland Park, Illinois.
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