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Elizabeth Jenny Retrospective

          I paint expressively in oils, acrylics and pastels. I draw from my feelings for the subject as well as from life studies and photographs. The paintings have free gestural feeling with dynamic design. I seek a place for my art in the life and culture of the contemporary American West.

          I work directly from life as well as from other references. I often begin with a sketch and develop the painting over top, beginning the painting with big broad stroke washes. My artwork is a kind of armchair travel for me. My efforts transition through many realms of possible imagery only to leave most of it behind in favor of a resolution that is eventually felt, rather than planned. Sometimes these resulting images are very representational, and sometimes they develop into various forms of abstraction, expressionism, impressionism, surrealism and even minimalism. I want my finished work to express what is true for me. It is my hope that my art will also reach the hearts of others.

"We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time."
            —T.S. Eliot, Four Quartets

About Elizabeth Jenny

          Elizabeth was born in Germany in 1957 to American parents. After returning to the USA in the early 60's, her family settled in the Northern Virginia suburbs of Washington, DC. Elizabeth developed an interest in art early on because she drew and painted every day at a primary school that encouraged creativity as well as academic achievement. Elizabeth later earned a graduate degree in Design and Photography from the American University in Washington DC and worked for a decade as a graphic designer and visual arts instructor in the Washington DC area.

          When, in 1997, Elizabeth moved with her family to Boulder Colorado, she pursued her dream of becoming a painter. At first, she undertook portraits of family and friends but went on to offer paintings involving many subjects to a wider community through Boulder Open Studios. Much of her painting and drawing drew upon her love of horses. These efforts met with success in galleries both in Colorado and New Mexico.

"A horse is a thing of such beauty ... none will tire of looking at him as long as he displays himself in his splendor."

Website: https://www.jennyartanddesign.com/paintings.html

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